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Afghanistan, Armenia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, Rusia, Slovenia and Serbia took part at the 22nd Mustafa Hajrulahovic Talijan international boxing tournament. There were altogether 69 boxers who competed in junior boys, youth men and elite men and women age groups. Boxing was organized at the Hotel Hollywood, city of Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The organizer of this event is the Boxing Club ZlatniLjiljani, with the support of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Boxing Federation. Mr. Adnan Pasic, tournament’s director, is satisfied with the tournament. ‘This year we had fourteen participating countries, and few more had to cancel at the last moment. I truly hope that all our guests enjoyed their stay in Sarajevo. As every year we are doing our best to host this tournament at a high level, so it was the same this time, too. There were some very good bouts that I am sure spectators enjoyed, and we will try to improve this event in the future in all aspects.’

Here are the trophies winners:

The best boxer – Elite Men 

Makhmadshoev Mukhammadzon – Russia 

The most technical boxer (Elite Men)

Bashkim Bajoku – Kosovo 

The best boxer – Elite Women 

Sara Beram – Croatia 

The most technical boxer (Elite Women)

Alina Pushkar – Russia 

The best boxer – Junior Boys 

Vuk Milenkovic – Serbia

The most technical boxer (Junior Boys)

Petar Sandic – Serbia  

The most combative boxer

Aliev Shinasi – Austria 

The most combative boxer (Youth Men)

Tarik Huric – Bosnia and Herzegovina

The best R&J

Smail Oubaali – France 

Here you can find the BULLETIN of the tournament.