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Today, the European Junior Boxing Championship for boys and girls officially opened in Sarajevo, running from June 23 to June 30, 2024. This prestigious competition brings together the best young boxers from across Europe, aged 15 and 16. The matches will be held in the sports hall of the Hills Hotel in Ilidža, which has been specially equipped for this event.

“This championship is an exceptional opportunity for young athletes to showcase their skills and potential on the international stage,” said Ioannis Filipatos, President of the European Boxing Confederation. “Sarajevo has demonstrated outstanding organizational capability and hospitality, which will surely leave a lasting impression on all participants.”

EUBC Secretary General Kiril Šekutjev added, “This competition is not just an opportunity for sporting rivalry, but also for promoting friendship and mutual understanding among young people from different countries. The organizers have done an enormous job to make everything perfect.”

President of the Boxing Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Predrag Bartula expressed his satisfaction with the collective efforts of the entire community: “We are proud to host such a significant event. This championship is important not only for the promotion of boxing but also for the development of sports among young people, proving that we can achieve much if we invest the right energy in quality projects.”

The European Championship will gather teams from 28 countries, with hundreds of boys and girls competing for the title of European champion in their categories. This event represents a unique opportunity to promote sports values and international cooperation through boxing.

Participating teams have been confirmed from the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, England, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Scotland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Turkey. Each of these countries has sent their most talented young boxers to compete in this prestigious event.

The competitions will take place in various categories, tailored to the ages and weight classes of the competitors. “It is wonderful to come to Sarajevo and see that boxing has a bright future here. The city and its residents show remarkable passion and support for this sport. I am confident that this championship will inspire many young people to dedicate themselves to boxing and become future champions,” added Šekutjev. He also highlighted the significance of this event for the further development of boxing in Europe.

Predrag Bartula emphasized the importance of support from the local community, media, and boxing volunteers: “This event would not have been possible without the selfless support of the media, volunteers, and sponsors. Together, we have shown that Sarajevo can host major sporting events and provide an outstanding experience for all participants.”

During their stay in Sarajevo, participants will have the opportunity to explore the city and become acquainted with its rich history and cultural heritage. In the next seven days, we expect exciting matches that the public can follow live for free and via the European Boxing Federation’s (EUBC) YouTube streaming platform.