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Next European boxing championships is going to be held in SofiaBulgaria, from 10 – 21 October. It will be the EUBC U23 European Boxing Championships, competition organized for men and women boxers born between 1st January 2002 and 31st December 2005. The registration deadline is 17 September. At this moment, twenty-nine countries and around three hundred boxersare registered for this important event.

The last year’s edition of the European championships for this age group was held in Budva, Montenegro, with the grand finals organized in the city of Podgorica. There were 299 boxers, 97 women and 202 men, from 33 countries who took part in this event. The best teams, first, second and third place, were Russia, Turkey and Italy, while the best boxers, in men’s and women’s competition, were PetarLijesevic from Montenegro and Sara Cirkovic from Serbia.

The competition in Sofia will start with the Sport Entries Check on 10th and 11th October, and the first day of boxing will be on 12th October. Finals are planned for 20th October.